
Overnight Open Thread

Sharmuta3/09/2009 1:44:33 am PDT

re: #156 Rich H

I never suggested otherwise. And I’m not a moral relativist. Quite the opposite. There are many things in the world that I believe merit our disdain, our contempt, our hatred even. But that’s a moral choice.

Yet there is no right not to be offended. We live in a world where “offensive” speech is still protected by law, at least in some (diminishing) parts of the world. When someone says something that we find disagreeable, we can choose to tolerate that speech or not to tolerate it. It is our choice.

I have no problem with bigots opening their mouths and allowing all who would see to know exactly who they are. The same free speech that allows them to do so also allows me the ability to denounce them, their statements and bigotry. There isn’t a “right not to be offend”- this is true. There are, however, consequences when a person is offensive- at least in this country. One reaps what they sow.