
Palin Twitters: The Return of 'Death Panels'

morrisab12/22/2009 4:41:01 pm PST

re: #86 windsagio

An example is ‘Cwm’, which is an obsolete word for ‘combe’ (a word which is itself almost gone). Its derived from welsh, was used for a while (In parts of england), and now nobody outside of Wales recognizes it. That word is effectively no longer a part of the English language.

Unless, oddly enough, you’re a mountaineering aficionado. One of the oft-mentioned features of Everest is the Western Cwm. I had to go look it up (it’s on every other page of every book about the South Face), and I’m still not sure how it’s pronounced, so thank you for its derivation. (Or, if I were to make up a word, its “derivity.”)