
Boehner to GOP: 'Behave Like Grown-Ups'

drcordell3/22/2010 10:44:47 am PDT

re: #154 RogueOne

The top tax bracket went down but the percentage of total taxes paid by the top 10% of earners has gone up. They already pay more than they’ve ever paid and you want to raise the rates further? 10% unemployment, the largest tax increase in history passed yesterday, deeper in debt than we’ve ever been and you’re plan is to raise taxes? I don’t think you’ve thought this all the way through.

And you don’t see the correlation here at all? Let’s think for a second about why the richest 1% of Americans is paying the highest percentage of overall taxes in history. It’s not because the tax rates for the middle class have gotten lower. It’s because the middle class has gotten progressively poorer.

The richest 1% has gotten progressively richer while everyone else has seen their income stagnate. When 1% of the nation controls 40% of the wealth, obviously their tax burden will be substantially higher as well. The Gini Coefficient of the U.S. will reach that of Mexico’s in the next 30 years if we continue on the same path. Creating a stronger middle class tax base is the way to reduce the tax burden of the wealthiest Americans.