
Anti-Abortion Fox News Comments of the Day

Scottish Dragon4/02/2010 3:32:01 pm PDT


Transgendered woman, still married to wife. 42. One mildly autistic 9 year old son who is now addicted to all things Star Trek :D
Recovering Republican, still in need of 12 step program. Senior in geology at Guilford College and preparing to start looking for masters program in geology in North Carolina.

Likes: Geology. Ballet, especially Giselle. Warhammer fantasy and 40,000 games. Celtic music and anything Scottish or Irish. Playing Celtic harp. Going to Highland Games. Revolutionary War re-enacting. Shooting rifles and my brand new Brown Bess musket. Battlestar Galactica and Caprica. Historical adventure movies like Master and Commander, and science fiction, especially Blade Runner. Anything Star Trek or Lord of The Rings.


. I love reading history and particularly World War II, Civil War and Rev War history as well as Napoleanic history. Classical Greek and Roman as well. Looking at new military technology, especially tanks and cool new fighters from Sukhoi…

Sunset in the desert.

Political blogging too…

Dislikes: Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin. The Family Research Council. Maggy Gallagher and anybody else who wants to stick his or her nose into my marriage where it is not wanted because they think God gave them permission. Gun control advocates. Racists. Young Earth Creationists. Anybody who seems proud to be scientifically or historically illiterate. Hamas, Hezbollah and any other Islamo-wacko group. Anybody who tries to pass off female genital mutilation as “circumcision”. Rap music. Raunchy comedies. Lee Atwater/Karl Rove types of any political persuasion. Brussel sprouts and canned spinach. Corporations who ship our jobs overseas. Hedge fund managers, on general principle.

Hope this helps!