
Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose GOP's Windfall for the Rich

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/03/2010 12:27:40 pm PST

re: #161 NamDoc67

“A new CBS News poll shows that the GOP’s plan to extend the Bush era tax cuts and give America’s wealthy class another massive windfall … “

Then I should consider the cash in my pocket a “windfall” if I walk through a bad eighborthood and don’t get robbed.

They are not “extending tax cuts.”

They are raising taxes.

Because you know, having things like roads and a functioning military and science programs are just really not worth paying for…. Yes robbed you are! You are being robbed!

They actually lowered taxes last year for the vast majority of Americans.

What I would really like to see is the cut off for the highest bracket raised to 500k and all the loopholes for those who make more than that completely closed.

OF course, no GOP person would ever allow that.