
Police Investigate Rep. Weiner's Contact with 17-Year Old Girl

Cannadian Club Akbar6/10/2011 7:46:15 pm PDT

re: #165 hugh59


In Belize, the age of consent is 16 for all heterosexuals. Since 2003, male homosexuality has been re-criminalized (regardless of age) [5]

The legislation reads:

Criminal Code [CAP. 101] [5]

* Section 47.2

“Every person who (a) unlawfully and carnally knows any girl who is of or above the age of fourteen years but under the age of sixteen years (…) shall be guilty of an offence and on conviction thereof be imprisoned for a term which shall not be less than five years nor more than ten years.”

* Section 53. “Unnatural Crime”

“Every person who has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any person or animal shall be liable to imprisonment for ten years.”

Holy crap!!!