
Glenn Beck, Asking Questions: Did Obama Leak That Anti-Islam Video With an Off-the-Grid Secret Blackberry?

jamesfirecat5/30/2013 7:14:23 pm PDT

re: #165 Targetpractice

The genre switch, was that at Comstock House?

No having to have the final battle of the game be a defend object x with limited health while every so often you call in a super weapon but you need to realize that you have to run from side to sides to find proper targets for the super weapon in question. It’s like they decided to take the final battle of bioshock 2 and overly complicate it while stripping out all the fun doodads you could do to set up the final battleground before you sent in the enemy waves in Bioshock 2.

Comstock House I managed to blow through without a problem thanks to having bought 90 rounds for my carbine and picking up whatever hand cannons, pistols or other weapons as needed. Also upgraded murder of crows.