
Sunday Afternoon Short Animation: Palmipedarium

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam2/17/2014 12:01:39 am PST

re: #167 klys

In this particular case, Mercedes Lackey.

Who if I am hopeful, just signed on to a petition from a person she trusted and thought was just about censorship but in fact is the wider range of issues is about editorial control and diversity in science fiction/fantasy.

There have been a lot of authors I like recently boarding the Grumpy Old Person train in public and without regret. I hope someone shoots me before I ever get too old and unwilling to examine my opinions. Coddling someone for their beliefs because they are a ‘pillar in the community’ and whatever other bullshit reasons people come up with leads to the bigots at the family dinner table voting for shit that affects everyone. Sorry. I’m not willing to do it anymore.

Well, I don’t know her, so I’ll head to Google.

I know what you mean about older people (Grumpy Old People - GOP?) getting ossified in their opinions. I’m of the age where I see it happening within my cohort, and so far I’ve managed not to succumb to opinion ossification syndrome (OOS).

Of course, some people get OOS before they’re 30.

UPDATE: I googled her. She’s a high fantasy writer, so that’s why I don’t know her. Don’t read much of that stuff now. Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series did me in. And I see she attended Purdue (good!) and lives in Tulsa in some kind of dome house.