
In Which Chuck C. Johnson Lies About Quarantined Nurse Kaci Hickox's CDC Employment

marko10/27/2014 7:40:31 am PDT

Actually there was no mention of Hickox’s CDC employment in the article. Johnson didn’t lie.

There is no confirmation that Hickox was a Disease Detective for CDC, but there is ample evidence that Dr Seema Yasmin was. The sentence from the Dallas newspaper is awkwardly constructed, but the CDC reference is for Yasmin, not Hickox.

“Dr. Seema Yasmin, Dallas Morning News staff writer, once worked as a disease detective at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She talks to NBC5 about why doctors are so willing to put themselves at risk during such outbreaks.”

Dr. Seema Yasmin, a physician epidemiologist who served as a disease detective in the Epidemic Intelligence Service at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, has investigated epidemics in maximum-security prisons, American Indian reservations and healthcare facilities. Since graduating from Cambridge University Medical School, Yasmin has worked in Botswana, Kenya, England and the U.S. She is proficient in epidemiologic study design, analysis and computer programming. As a clinical professor, Yasmin directs…