
Election 2014, the Wrap-Up

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)11/05/2014 10:50:18 am PST

re: #160 Vicious Piebola

They will do it anyway just to pander to their devoted fan base, in order to avoid “recall” movements

Yep. You’ve just hit the nail on the head. Worrying about world opinion? Worrying about anything other than getting re-elected? Not gonna happen.

Any Republican who didn’t vote for impeachment would be primaried, or, as you say, recalled. Facing a further-right challenger in a primary is about the only thing that can cost a GOPer his/her seat.

It all depends on whether Roger Ailes sees the endgame of impeaching Obama. If he recognizes that doing so will destroy all chances of the GOP winning elections for the next 20-40 years, then nope, won’t happen. If, however, he’s still working through his stifled rage leftover from his formative years with Nixon, then he’ll want to vent that fury on Obama, and we’ll get impeachment.

Strange that the fate of the nation depends so much on the internal resentments of one childish, wounded man.