
GOHMERT! A 5-Year Old Hate Crime Law Will Make Christianity Illegal

Reality Based Steve5/14/2015 12:24:05 pm PDT

re: #163 BeachDem

Some of the more humorous among the GOPs list of 36 potential nominees for 2016.

Kelly Ayotte (need some wimmins in the list)
Herman Cain (um, I think that ship has sailed)
Newt (see Cain, Herman)
Nikki Haley (see Ayotte, Kelly)
LUAP NOR (they wanted a father/son combo, I guess)
Tim Pawlent…zzzzzzzzzzz
Tim Scott/Allen West (to round out the hat trick of “those” minorities with Ben Carson, I guess)
Peter King (because—I can’t even think of a reason)

Humm. Only slightly less selective than the various “You have been selected for the Who’s Who in ” emails I keep getting.