
Another Deceptive Planned Parenthood "Sting" Video Is Released

BeachDem7/21/2015 12:49:42 pm PDT

re: #162 ObserverArt

Well yeah, that’s our Johnny.

But it also shows that he isn’t a total bottom dweller.

This is just like how he explained expanding Ohio’s Medicaid program. He mentioned that at the end of the day he needed to think about the Christian thing to do was take care of the sick.

And he took and still takes a ton of abuse for that.

All I am saying is Kasich is not just like all the other Republican candidates. He sometimes lets a little “human” sneak in from time to time. Keep watching…he will find some separation from the other clowns.

Oh, I think he’s smarter than most of the clown car riders. But he’s mean, and unpleasant, and his soft-spoken, pious, “Christian” rhetoric will not last long—the “mean boy” will come out to play soon.