
At Site Run by Trump's Campaign CEO, Commenters Call for Mass Deportation and Murder

CuriousLurker9/19/2016 1:55:01 pm PDT

From his statement:

We also desperately need the active participation of American Muslims who see the jihadis for what they are: the enemies of all who celebrate freedom and tolerance.

Yeah, we just put on our special jihadi detecting glasses. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Congress should act to prevent Americans who have travelled abroad for training from returning here, and to stop the flow of refugees from hotbeds of terrorism in the Middle East that President Obama is determined to bring to our country.

So American citizens should be expatriated without due process? How would one find out what they traveled abroad for? Where would they be sent upon return, Gitmo? Would there be secret military tribunals, or what? Yeah, you smarmy asshole, threatening to do this will really make us want to help. (I guess, presumably, weโ€™re not ALREADY helping.)