
Rescind John Murtha's Award from the Navy

Desert Dog3/19/2009 9:51:50 am PDT

re: #149 alegrias

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Murtha’s in his 19th or 20th two-year term, and sometimes runs uncontested, according to my 2005 copy of “Congress at your Fingertips” for the 109th Congress, First Session.

Please someone, run against this corrupt decadent politician.

He is still popular because he brings home the bacon…..billions of dollars have come to his district because of his “earmarking” abilities. He may disgust many or even most of his constituents, but they can all see the gravy flowing as long as he is in there.

It’s hard to believe a Colonel in the Marines (and an Eagle Scout to boot) could turn out the way Murtha has. Apparently none of the lessons of honor, honesty and duty soaked into his brain.