
Snowe: 'Ideological Purity Is Not the Ticket Back'

sleepyone4/29/2009 4:55:54 pm PDT

re: #145 thebigolddog

The only thing Snowe is really concerned about is that she’ll wind up just like Specter. This is her feeble attempt to prevent that/ pave the way for the move to the Dem party herself I have a feeling the people in Maine won’t forget however given the calls I hear day after day to throw her and Collins out ASAP.

I would love to vote her out here in Maine but unfortunately the opposing candidate running against either her or Collins is always a completely crazy leftist, borderline socialist. As I’ve said before, I don’t think there is any way in hell this state full of ex-Bostonians and New Yorkers would vote for anyone that even smells conservative. Maybe on a state level way up in the northern counties but down here in the Portland area, no way. Depressing I tells ya.