
Michele Bachmann Introduces Ron Paul: 'He's Awesome!'

SixDegrees10/02/2009 3:42:18 pm PDT

re: #136 erraticsphinx

If I was a Democratic strategist I would definitely try to make hay of this. It’s making the GOP look like horrible losers, not Obama.

Oh, you can bet they will. But they’ll wait until the proper time. Right now, it would serve only as carping - there are a few local elections this year (and we may see issues like this crop up in those races) but the big pot is the midterms. They’ll store all this shit away and spread it like compost over the airwaves in late summer/early fall 2010, when it will do more to nourish their chances.

The GOP needs to have a watershed anti-crazy event before that happens in order to blunt the attack. If not, those criticisms will carry a great deal of weight with voters.