
German Reporter to Inhofe: 'You're Ridiculous'

Mark Winter12/19/2009 2:24:07 pm PST

@Surabaya Stew

It’s certainly not as bad as in the U.S.
For once we have a lot less of creationist crackpots (although they have been on the rise lately, too).

The denialist crowd isn’t yet as well organized in Germany as it seems to be in the U.S. The political parties pretty much agree on the fact that AGW is a problem.

The most articulate denialists right now seem to be over the top liberals (The German “liberal” is more of a libertarian). It is also safe to assume that money from big corporations (oil, coal, gas) changes hands although in Germany the “Green Industry” is gaining influence. Many see the fight against AGW not as a calamity that will cost a lot of money but as a chance for a substantial change in the ways we use energy. Solar energy is promoted, wind farms multiply.

We have a long way to go but we do have an edge in green technology in Germany.

But it’s true that AGW denialists are out there and feeding on “Climategate” (without ever getting a clue what it was about)