
Rush Limbaugh Questions Oil Spill Timing

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/30/2010 3:09:10 pm PDT

re: #165 LudwigVanQuixote

Ahhh, he is just asking questions.

Let me be rabbinic, and answer with three questions of my own:

1. Is there any reason at all to suspect either jihadis or terrorists?
2. Why would you rule out that this was an accident on a complex piece of machinery built by a corporation that may or may not cut costs to increase profits?
3. Why would you rule out human error?
4. Why would you rule out an tragic, but legitimately unforeseen set of circumstances?
5. Why would you ask your questions in the first place if you weren’t trying to spread the paranoid hysteria of a Rushbot?

And you know that by three I meant five… lol