
Overnight Open Thread

cliffster9/16/2010 8:21:35 am PDT

re: #159 Obdicut


Yes. Or rather, I think they’re fuckers for using such a lame campaign tactic in the first place.

In this case, however, Rove was right. O’Donnell is a moronic candidate with no fitness for office at all. And now he’s endorsing her.

Republicans have not realized that the Eleventh Commandment has a coda:

11a. And if you let total whackjobs be Republican candidates, you will lose all credibility and elections.

This may be true, but the topic was about Rove “walking it back” and singling out this situation as if it were anything other than what always happens in politics. Hilary supporters bashed Obama, but when Obama won they got behind him. It is silly to act like Rove is behaving in any way outside the norm in politics.