
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk2/17/2011 9:51:51 am PST

re: #165 Ericus58

Kristof writes of some interesting developments in Bahrain.

Three ambulance drivers or paramedics told me that they had been pulled out of their ambulances and beaten by the police. One, Jameel, whose head was bandaged and his arm was in a cast, told me that police had clubbed him and that a senior officer had then told him: “If I see you again, I’ll kill you.”

A fourth ambulance driver, Osama, was unhurt but said that a military officer – whom he said was a Saudi, based on his accent in Arabic – held a gun to his head and warned him to drive away or be shot. (By many accounts, Saudi tanks and other military forces participated in the attack, but I can’t verify that).

The hospital staff told me that ambulance service has now been frozen, with no ambulances going out on calls except with approval of the Interior Ministry.

Some of the victims, though not all, said that the riot police shouted anti-Shiite curses when they attacked the protesters, who were overwhelmingly Shiite. Sectarianism is particularly delicate in Bahrain because the Sunni royal family, the Khalifas, presides over a country that is predominately Shiite, and Shiites often complain of discrimination by the government.

Bringing in the Saudis to do his dirty work would explain why things got so violent so quickly. There was no connection between the army and the protesters as was the case in Egypt. The Bahraini king may have not thought that his own army was up to the task because of divided loyalties, so he brought in enforcers to get the job done.

And whoever those troops were were brutal - murdering protesters all over the place.