
Overnight Video: Parigot

Birth Control Works10/08/2011 9:19:29 am PDT

re: #168 blueraven

And the reason its not going to happen is because our politicians are bought. They are bought by the big corporations, banks, polluting industries, etc…
Our politicians spend the majority of their time fund raising. This is our system. The lobbyist control the agenda and basically write our laws and regulations.
Both parties engage in this. They may be good people, but it is the system we have created. Until we get big money interest out of our political system, nothing will change.

don’t you think a part of the problem is that the Corporations are ENTRENCHED in our every day lives? Not only what we buy and eat, but in sports, and philanthropy. Hospitals, not-for profits get big money from Corporations. With every layer, there seems to be corporate entanglement that is global.

(OH, a new buzz word —Corporate Enganglement, not be confused with Quantum Entanglement).

It’s a complex issue —