
Pat Buchanan Promotes Book On White Supremacist Radio Show

Wozza Matter?10/23/2011 8:40:49 pm PDT

re: #167 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Ok but I’m not making a first amendment argument, I’m talking about the state of cable tv. Telecomm Act of 1996. That’s what we have to work with.

I keep bringing up the Acts because you mentioned the regulation of media hiring standards being a complete farce (#58). Well, it is, and it isn’t. Cable isn’t “regulated” like broadcast is, due to the Telecomm 96.

The issue is this: ok, so Pat Buchanan went on Political Cesspool this week. What does the listening “public” who objects do about it?

Concerted viewership effort against MSNBC. Boycott if needs be. Emails, letters, faxes - same ol’ same ol’.
Ask for a reasonable right wing voice that can analyse the demographic of neo-confederacy without being part of it.

The Acts are worse than useless unless it’s in favour of increased media ownsership integration. That’s all telecoms acts are used for now.