
Tech Note: The LGF Pages Reboot

darthstar10/26/2012 10:34:11 pm PDT

You know what I’d really like to see? The next seven days’ polls showing a growing lead for President Obama. Two points nationally on Sunday, three on Monday, four on Tuesday, five on Wednesday, six on Thursday, seven on Friday, eight on Saturday - and corresponding state polls - +7 in FL, NV, and CO, +8 in OH, +6 in VA…just turn this whole fucking race into a goddamn landslide where the GOP is so dejected that they don’t even show up in red states. I want the margin to be so big that, on election day, when Wolf takes the stage on CNN and starts to talk about how they’ll bring us the breaking news on who will win the presidency, his producers do a voice-over to say, “Shut the fuck up, Wolf…you’re only here to recite the numbers as they come in…and if you can’t handle that, we’ll get John King to take care of it.”