
Stop playing games

ObserverArt9/28/2013 5:41:26 pm PDT

re: #11 francis

I don’t care if he is legit or not, he was voted in and he should reflect the moral behavior of pass presidents. I object to the way he does or doesn’t do things, not who he is.

Oh really. Then what you are saying is anything that Nixon did from his dirty tricks to his escalation of the Viet Nam war was just fine and dandy. Then you’d have to excuse Reagan and his whole Iran Contra cutting a deal with America’s #1 enemy at the time.* George Bush 2 was all upfront and totally moral with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even after announcing Mission Accomplished it trudged on for another 8 years or so. That’s a great way to do things. Big Bill Clinton had his issues and many questioned his morals. But you are fine with all that correct?

*Which brings up how Obama seems to be making strides on these very issues still lingering from Carter and Reagan times. You don’t approve of any of that behavior or the way it is being done? Then about Bush 2 and the wars…need you be reminded of who actually has scared the terrorists and got Bin Laden? Maybe you don’t like those tactics, but then that would all be on the president.

Oh I get it, Obama is too moral? ///