
House Republican Compares Debt Default to the American Revolution

TedStriker10/12/2013 12:56:31 pm PDT

re: #14 Charles Johnson

By the way, folks - the outage yesterday was definitely a DOS attack directed at our web server’s IP address, and it was not an amateur job. The inbound traffic was so gigantic it had to have been a botnet. We went down because the surge was so huge it triggered their automatic network protection, and dropped all traffic to our IP.

Unfortunately none of this crazy traffic was captured (it shut everything down too fast), so we have no way of knowing what was behind it. We do have some new protections in place, though, and so far there’s no sign of anything similar.

Five will get you ten that it was likely an Anon attack; considering that Barrett Brown, Snowden, Manning, and the rest of their fellow travelers and enablers aren’t exactly revered here (and are usually roundly criticized, along with their anarchist “information wants to be free, except ours” agenda), it wouldn’t surprise me one damn bit, especially since they have the tools and the motives.