
Called It! Wingnuts Intentionally Trying to Overload Healthcare.Gov

BigPapa11/08/2013 6:52:13 am PST

I was going to write a long Post about Krauthammer’s newest Meme Generator OpEd, fully loaded with irony, but figured it’s not worth the time.

Basically bringing up the Campaigner in Chief meme again and criticizing the Pres for campaigning instead of doing actual work.

He seems to forget that Presidents actually campaign for stuff and the people in the actual departments that do the work are the ones who actually do the work.

He also does not acknowledge that there is an active 24/7 campaign to defeat ACA and work against it’s success, of which he is a willing participant, and the President needs to get out there and counter that.

Krauthammer is a fucking hack. I’m having a hard time understanding how I used to respect his opinion years ago. Did he change? Did I? Did we both change in completely opposite directions resulting in such a wide chasm of realities?

This crap is worthy of an AM radio ‘thinker,’ Townhall, or even Newsmax or Breitbart.