
Lord Monckton the Birther: Support Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Congressional Investigation

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines11/03/2014 10:23:07 am PST

“We all know the birth certificate is bogus,” he said, “but we also know that anyone who dares to raise the issue will have his or her reputation trashed by the communist left.”

It’s easy to dismiss Monckton, Arpaio, WND etc as a lunatic fringe but this would be a mistake. Lunatic they are, fringe they are not, as Monckton’s congressional testimony and Arpaio’s enormous popularity with the base amply demonstrate. I wouldn’t doubt, therefore, that a GOP congress-critter would say this to him. None, of course, would actually believe it since they are much too familiar with the media to entertain such a notion.