
The Democrats' Political Suicide

EiMitch11/10/2014 5:52:54 pm PST

re: #12 jamesfirecat

I agree with you that the Democrats could do better, but I think it’s less about needing an obvious revolution/a left wing version of the tea party, and more about needing to train the candidates we already have how to have a spine.

Yeah, sure. Good luck with that.

This is a political party on its way out thrashing blindly in hatred at a world it no loner is offering any sort of productive discourse or service.

But they are dead serious about it. Their choice of constituency may be unsustainable, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a calculated decision. Gerrymandering to empower a fanatical minority isn’t necessarily complacency.

Democrats need to stick to their guns, they need to get out their vote, they need to stop running away from the President, but I think this can be achieved gradually over time rather than needing a purging of the old guard so to speak.

I don’t agree, because election cowardice isn’t the Democrats’ only problem. Not by a longshot. Besides, what do you think motivated that cowardice? Here’s a hint: there is a reason politicians don’t want to leave office, and it has nothing to do with their supposed beliefs.