
Dallas Morning News Editorial: Anti-Muslim Yokels Brought Shame on Texas

Dark_Falcon1/31/2015 11:09:55 am PST

re: #9 Skip Intro

Somebody didn’t get the “We’re not all hateful, hayseed, redneck, ignorant Bubbas” message. Perhaps she’s auditioning for a job as Palin’s Tweet writer.

She’d be a shoo-in with this massive block of DERP as her audition:

When any Muslim can explain why there isnt no peace in thier land’s and hasnt been in thousands of years of Muslim rule, when not waring with Christians and Jews their war with in thier selves, we dont need thay kind of religion any where in the free world and the Texan’s were spot on I wished we had a congress and senate so patrioti, Muslim cliam to b a religion of peace but there is none in any land they are in, we dont need thier way of lving in this country, we dont need muslims in this country, if they cant abid by our laws, we have men dieing for peace in thier lands and they want to kill us, if it is such a good religion and its so good a way of life why did they come to America, to get away from waring in thier land or to start one in our’s I say land all the nations stand together agaisnt savage beheading religions, do you ever see an American Muslim on TV denouncing what they do NO, why becuase they condone it, even if the republicans and democrats say they are peace lovers thier not show me evidence of thier peacful ways in any country thier in??

Malapropisms, copious misspellings, no real point besides hate and anger: Perfect For Palin.