
Department of Defense Paid $5.4 Million to NFL Teams for In-Game "Military Salutes"

Dark_Falcon5/10/2015 8:28:06 am PDT

re: #16 ObserverArt

Stock Car Racing was founded in the South, by drivers and mechanics who cut their teeth building cars that could outrun the cops for bootlegging purposes. (Some Southern and Great Plains states retained Prohibition laws long after national Prohibition was rescinded by the 21st Amendment in 1933. The 21st, it should be remembered, specifically allowed for such state and local laws because Federalism.) So the sport has always has a ‘southern accent’. Unfortunately, that also means many of its participants, both drivers, techs and crews, and many of the fans, don’t like black people very much and some of them would find the idea of a black driver would bear all white drivers even once a year intolerable.