
Jeb Bush Would Totally Kill a Baby: "Hell Yeah!"

Eclectic Cyborg11/09/2015 1:02:02 pm PST

Kill Hitler as a youth…

…in the alternate reality that follows Russia gets the Bomb before the U.S. or any of its European allies. Two bombs are dropped, one on Los Angeles, the other on New York causing several MILLION casualties. Stalin becomes the Supreme Dictator of Europe. World War II becomes a much longer and bloodier conflict. The Cold War ends up being not so cold as Castro aligns with Iranian and covert Russian interests to further launch strikes against Western interests. Millions more die.

Later, the U.S. completely fails to properly deal with the threat presented by one Saddam Hussein. The Gulf War ends differently with Iraq driving allied forces out of Kuwait and promptly gassing thousands of Kuwaitis once they are in control.

I love sci-fi/alternate reality “what ifs”. In this case though I don’t know. I can’t help but remember the Family Guy episode where Brian goes back in time and stops 9/11, only to have things get WAY worse, causing them to go back in time AGAIN to make 9/11 happen.