
The Bob & Chez Show: The Evel Knievel of Racism

Brian J.8/03/2016 3:03:24 pm PDT

re: #15 Testy Toad T

On the other hand, the opposite makes even less sense. What about Donald Trump makes us think he has an intuitive, nuanced understanding of why we have terrifically powerful weapons which we agree, even with our enemies, must never be used?

I frankly never thought about it, but I would be surprised if Trump could cogently answer the question “why don’t we just nuke ISIS”.

It also dovetails so nicely with his “We’ll defeat ISIS so fast your head will spin” rhetoric, his I ALONE CAN craziness, his “we make terrible deals” craziness. He absolutely would nuke Fallujah if left to his own devices! I have zero doubt of this.

Of course, this isn’t just his problem. Remember Ted Cruz wanting to make the sand glow?