
Acoustic Guitar Maestro Antoine Dufour: "Electromagnetic Sun Powered Starship"

Odie Hugh Manatee2/22/2018 11:19:35 pm PST

The thing that really amazes me is how casually the gun nuts talk about arming teachers. There’s no thought in to all of the time and money that would have to go in to supplying the weapons, setting up an armory to store them, training the teachers in the various tactics and then keeping them up to date or any of that kinda important shit, and then combining that with their teaching job. Nope, it’s just ‘let them pack heat and shoot it out as needed’, nothing more than that. As if a gun and its use is just another requirement that can easily be added to the job of being a teacher.

What happens when a teacher is careless and a suicidal child gets a hold of their gun? What happens when a gun is dropped, discharges and hits a child? What happens if a teacher shoots at an armed kid, misses, pierces the wall behind him and kills a kid in the next classroom? These things will happen. There’s no denying the fact that history proves that the more guns there are in the hands of people, the more often ‘accidents’ happen and people are wounded or die.

Making guns a part of a kid’s everyday school life is no solution to this problem.