
Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" Played for an Old Former-Captive Elephant

Mattand2/23/2020 11:05:56 pm PST

re: #8 Renaissance_Man

I spoke with two guys today who are doctors - highly educated, white collar professionals - who hate Trump, yet feel that they and others are totally justified in voting for him over Clinton because there were so many questions about her being a murderer, and they could totally see her doing it.

It doesn’t matter whether there are videos and photos. The American media environment is such that Americans cannot tell reality from fantasy. The main issue is what the media narratives will be, and whether they can be subverted.

I apologize if these two doctors are friends, but fuck these assholes.

I mean, for fuck’s sake, they’re fucking doctors. They’re supposed to be trained to evaluate evidence and judge facts rationally.

I get not wanting to vote for Clinton over policy. I get not wanting to vote for a “liberal”. I even get (not approve, but get) that these guys may have a nasty misogynist streak and won’t vote for a woman.

But to not for vote for Clinton because they have concerns she’s a murderer? If I ever had a physician who admitted that to me, not only would I cease using their practice, I’d seriously consider reporting them to the local medical board.

Any medical professional who’s having that kind of difficulty embracing reality maybe should not be making decisions that directly impact their patients’ health.