
The Return of Clown Core: "Earth"

Hecuba's daughter9/24/2020 10:09:41 pm PDT

re: #4 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Texas turning blue? It may really happen. I will overdose on schadenfreude if it does. I have put years and more than a little bit of money into this. The electoral value will be immense but, beyond that, it will be devastating, perhaps fatal, to right wing morale and confidence.

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If this could be like the 1964 blowout — an overwhelming Democratic victory, there will be socially-distanced dancing in the streets!! It would be the first day in almost 4 years, when the future begins looking bright.

I am trying to follow the philosophy expressed in the beginning credits of season 2 of the South Korean series “Stranger”:

…marching toward what’s right is a never-ending process. To stop, even for a moment, is to fail. Marching towards change… never stopping for a breath as you march on. In the belief that a handful of hope is better than immeasurable despair, we move forward with unwavering determination once again.