
Zefrank's True Facts: The Hummingbird Warrior

Hecuba's daughter4/17/2022 7:13:20 pm PDT

re: #15 Sherlock Hound

The text on the color bars is not in Cyrillic. It might be from the satellite provider’s master control. This could happen if Rossiya-24’s uplink MC is down because of a problem like a power failure, or down for “other reasons”. There are many ways to disrupt a broadcast plant, especially if you work there at a high level…

Someone on twitter brought up the possibility of Anonymous or other hackers bringing it down. We do know that Anonymous supposedly joined the war against Putin. I guess it’s a matter of waiting to see whether this is just some minor blip. What would be best is if it signaled the overthrow of Putin and his replacement with someone who cares about the future and will work with us to stop this war in Ukraine and stop the killing, but probably no such luck.