
And Now, Meerkats Practice Security

Taqiyyotomist1/16/2009 7:29:55 pm PST

Someone asked in a thread, two back, who God was talking to when he said “Let us make man in our image…”

I read the thread (an hour ago, granted), didn’t see an answer. I thought, wow, a year or two ago the poster would have gotten 10 to 15 good, intelligent, thoughtful answers to that question. The only responses were snark, ribbing, sarcasm.

What happened? zombie said the other day that the quality of the comments had gone downhill at LGF. Is it the newer system, with the Ajax? This chatroom-speed forum, tending to make people post without putting a lot of thought into their posts, so that they can get their comments in while staying at the head of the wave? I see more typos since this change, as well…many more.

Did everyone leave, who had the knowledge and inclination to answer such questions?