
The Inauguration Speech

tokyobk1/20/2009 10:33:15 am PST

Obama is a pragmatist and an adult — the latter meaning that he actually feels like he is the man and America is his country.

The Lowrey ending was inappropriate but it was the close of a chapter. The Civil Rights movement is over. Obama’s speech was all about shaking up the paradigms. Lowrey’s was a silly cheap shot the fact of the inauguration being the refutation that whites still need to repair themselves. BS. White people elected Obama.

Obama has shown himself to want to be cast as an American president rather than a black president. Again, because he wants to get on a bill and on Mt. Rushmore.

Not saying he will be great or good, just that so far he has shown good character, and I agree with Charles, the full quote was directly at the gripe mongering that stalled all past democrats ME efforts, Carter and Clinton first and second.