
American Creationists Collaborate with Turkish Islamists

The Sanity Inspector12/03/2009 1:54:44 pm PST

re: #9 SixDegrees

No surprises here. I’ve said many times that there is little difference between the religious right fundamentalists promoting creationism and the Taliban. Both seek exactly the same end: a theocratic state where dissenting religions are strictly muzzled, expelled or forcibly converted. The overlap when it comes to the suppression of science and other enlightenment-era schools of thought; oppression of women; ultimate view of world conquest under the banner of their faith and imposition of law based on their theological texts is nearly complete. They are almost indistinguishable, except for trivial differences in tactics.

Trivial differences such as the American religious right refraining from executing women in soccer stadiums. Thus far. Knock on wood.