
Sharron Angle's Christian Supremacist Views Revealed

Kragar8/05/2010 1:04:00 pm PDT

Reports of a severe storm and flooding were predicted, so the town was preparing to evacuate, but Bob was a devout man and believed God would take care of him, so he decided to stay.

Well, the rains started and the sheriff stopped by and offered Bob a lift out of town.

“No thanks, God will take care of me” replied Bob.

The flooding started and Bob watched the waters rising and getting closer, but he was sure he was safe, so when a boat passed by offering to get him out of there, once again Bob said no.

Well, the floods kepts coming and Bob was forced to climb up on the roof. A helicopter came by and offered to throw down a rope to take him to safety.

“No thanks, God will take care of me” replied Bob.

An hour later Bob drowned.

Arriving in Heaven, Bob finally makes his way to God and asks, “I believed in you. Why didn’t you save me?”

God looks down at Bob and says, “I sent a truck, a boat and a helicopter. What the hell else did you want, dumbass?”