
Planned Parenthood Under Attack by Extremist Lila Rose

Orange Impostor2/07/2011 12:08:07 pm PST

I mentioned this in the LGF Pages article, and it bears repeating here:

Lila Rose is a personal friend of, and compatriot of convicted criminal (and notorious fake-video producer) James O’Keefe. In fact, he worked with her on several of her Planned Parenthood “exposes” in the past.

From her Wiki Biography:

At the age of 15, Rose founded Live Action and began giving presentations to schools and youth groups.[1] She and her friend, fellow conservative activist James O’Keefe III found inspiration in activist Saul Alinsky’s grassroots organizing handbook “Rules for Radicals”.[1] After having been further inspired by Texas activist Mark Crutcher’s taping of fake calls to Planned Parenthood clinics featuring women posing as pregnant minors, they came up with the idea to visit Planned Parenthood clinics wearing secret video cameras in fall 2006. Since then, Rose has conducted stings at Planned Parenthood clinics in Los Angeles, Indianapolis, Bloomington, Tucson, Phoenix and Memphis.[1]