
Chris Matthews: Glenn Beck, the John Birch Society, and Fox News

Killgore Trout2/07/2011 6:28:27 pm PST

re: #13 ggt

When Obama wins again, the Whackos won’t learn anything. They’ll decide they didn’t work hard enough and the rest of us aren’t (fill in the blank) enough.

The Religious Racists™ will just marginalize themselves even more.

MAYBE then the real conservatives (for lack of a better label) will wake-up and realize with whom they’ve been aligning themselves.

That’s my guess too. They are going to have a very hard time wining presidential elections. They’ll probably take the senate sometime soon and misinterpret that as some sort of vindication of the Tea Party/Sarah Palin agenda. After about a decade of lost presidential elections they’ll wake up.