
Jon Stewart: The GOP Special Victims Unit

Charleston Chew7/28/2011 10:49:10 am PDT

re: #5 ralphieboy

I see a lot of people on the right as being so arrogantly cocksure of themselves that they see any attack on them as unjustified and mean-spirited. It causes them to double down and re-load.

I see a lot of people on the left who are so terribly unsure of themselves that they recoil from any attack on them, even if mean spirited. I causes them to simply roll over and over-react: the ACORN and Sherrod scandals being fine examples of that.

And radical Islamists know how to take advantage of it. Which causes the right to double down and attack all Muslims as potential radical islamists.

Reminds me of this highly-offensive philosophical discussion from Team America (2004):

(Warning: highly offensive.)

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