
God Tells Mike Huckabee to Warm Up in the Bullpen

Ming9/30/2011 1:08:46 pm PDT

I know Huckabee’s candidacy seems unlikely right this minute, but unfortunately, his potential appeal to “the right-wing base” is strong. Look how eagerly they embraced Rick Perry, before Perry’s awful debate performances. In Perry, the base was ecstatic to find a theocrat who (they thought) could beat Obama. The base remains uncomfortable with Mitt Romney.

After the revelation that she had sex with an African American, Sarah Palin is probably significantly tarnished in the eyes of the Tea Party. Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann have both had a few gaffes recently, and the Tea Party may be pretty close to giving up on them as well. At the moment, if Huckabee decides to run, the Tea Party may view him as a savior.