
Herman Cain's Sexual Harassment Incident Led to 'Urgent Discussions' at NRA

Gus11/03/2011 9:37:48 pm PDT

re: #15 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

So, I get to look forward to another day of wingnuts whining to me that the “librul media” is totally “lynching” Cain when they totally ignore Democrats caught in sex scandals…except Weiner…and Edwards…and Clinton…well, frak.

Sure enough I got a Tweet from someone complaining about a “lynch mob” from the Perry and Romney camps. Seriously? Heck, at this point it isn’t really about the sexual harassment itself. It’s the amateurish and pathetic spin coming from the Cain camp. If Cain had been more forth coming he could have avoided this. He’s in a hole an he keeps digging. This guys want’s to be the CiC? Seriously? Maybe I’m old school and keep thinking about facing off with the Soviets during the Cold War.