
'Diary of Daedalus' Stalker Blog Links to Pro-Turner Diaries Video

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)1/08/2012 4:39:27 pm PST

re: #16 Gus 802

The fucking idiots posted a video made by someone who is comfy at Stormfront?

This could be a moment for them to learn about themselves, but I doubt it will be.

From this dude’s blog, a defense of Breivik:

Anyway, government people may beat us, rob us, kill us - as long as they follow the law (which they wrote themselves) and wear uniforms. By this magick of written law and worn uniform, the class of ubermenschen may initiate force and we may not defend ourselves. Quite neat, huh?

Now, enter Anders Behring Breivik.

By shooting to death 69 kids, he surely transgressed the non-aggression principle. But, precisely, why do all the mainstream media, politicians and public opinion condemn him? They are not libertarians. They do not uphold non-aggression principle as an absolute axiom, as we do. Why do they think that Anders Breivik committed a crime, while soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan, or SWAT policemen during a raid are not criminals? Huh? Why the dividing line?

It is quite baffling.

Did Anders Breivik wear a uniform? He did.

Did Anders Breivik act under objectively defined law? He did.

Well, he wrote his manifest himself - just like government who writes his own tyrannical laws.

What differentiates Anders Breivik from a murderous policeman, soldier or a tax collector?

Listen closely. NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL.

Nice pick, morons. Someone who equates soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan with Breivik, that’s who made the video you love.

Fucking morons.