
Horrifying Video: Fertilizer Plant Explosion Near Waco, Texas

Decatur Deb4/18/2013 8:17:21 am PDT

re: #161 Destro

I am suggesting that. I am from New York. Vendetta! I am sorry, it’s about time the Red voting parts of the country are made to live by their own Ayn Rand weirdo rules and see how they like it. Most (but not all) Red states are welfare states living off the subsidies of Democrat Blue voting states (aka Republican limited govt and taxes states are actually living off the govt teat like moochers).

I think the Republican voter in these moocher states has that ideology ironically because they are subsidized by Democrats. Like arrogant immature teenagers they don’t have to live in the real world yet.

re: #167 Destro

With a little effort you could become a Young Republican.