
Yet Another Highly Misleading GCHQ/NSA Article From the Intercept

Charles Johnson2/18/2014 2:03:08 pm PST

re: #165 CuriousLurker

Meanwhile, in addition to Ukraine & Venezuela, there’s also:

4 Killed, Including a Police Officer, as Thai Police Move In on Protests

Bombings in Syria Force Wave of Civilians to Flee

There’s also this hopelessly confusing mess:

Libya is still uneasy also:
Celebrations, and Unease, in Libya on Anniversary of Uprising

And that’s just a quick skimming of the NY Times. No doubt there’s some kind of awful shit going on somewhere in Africa too. I wonder how many innocent people die violently or suffer horribly every day due to political upheaval while we sit here in comfort & security sniping at each other?

Or while assholes like GG pretend that they’re some sort of brave warriors as they likewise enjoy safety & luxuries that probably 9/10 of the world can only dream of.

How many children lost one or both parents today? How many people lost spouses or children, or maybe even their entire family? How many people were raped, tortured, beaten? How many lost limbs, were burned, blinded, or shot? Yet we hardly ever give them a second thought, do we?

We’re also the 1%, in our own way.

Ugh, sorry for being Debbie Downer, but this crap is clearly getting to me. Time to take a break, I guess.

I heard that.

I haven’t posted much about all this unrest, because I just figure it’s everywhere, all over the media, and what can I add to it except to say wow, humans sure do suck sometimes.