
Saturday Night Acoustic Excellence: Derrin Nauendorf, "Crazy World"

Blind Frog Belly White10/11/2015 9:35:10 am PDT

re: #159 Dark_Falcon

Kelsey Grammer immolated whatever respect I retained for him on a funeral pyre of Burning Stupid as he and his wife posted pictures of each of them wearing t-shirts reading “Would it bother us more if they used guns?” alongside the image of a Model 92 Beretta pistol.

Years ago, I decided not to care what entertainers think. This was after calls to boycott this or that actor or singer because they said stupid shit. It allows me to watch Scientologists on the Big Screen without caring that they believe in crazy shit, for example.

We don’t pay them to think. We pay them to convince us they’re someone else for a while, for our entertainment. Why would we give a shit what they think about politics?