
Judge Rules That Lawsuit Against Trump for Inciting Violence in Louisville Can Proceed

Targetpractice4/02/2017 4:02:24 pm PDT

re: #168 Big Beautiful Door

Thankfully it looks like the die-hards are in a minority, as Trump’s approval rating keeps sinking like a stone. Now imagine if the idiot-in-chief actually did things to help the peole who voted for him, such as actually working with Democrats to correct problems with the ACA, instead of just tweeting threats to do so? He could call it Trumpcare, and his approval ratings would soar.

Except his supporters would then turn on his ass because he promised something he couldn’t deliver, namely a total repeal of Obamacare and replacement with something that was far better and cost way less. The Freedom Caucus’ biggest gripe was that Trumpcare wasn’t full repeal, followed closely by the mediocre tax credits being offered amounting to “a new entitlement program.”